A Glimpse In Defra Exempt Wood Burner's Secrets Of Defra Exempt Wood Burner

· 6 min read
A Glimpse In Defra Exempt Wood Burner's Secrets Of Defra Exempt Wood Burner

The Benefits of DEFRA Exempt Wood Burners

DEFRA approved wood burning stoves are a great choice for homeowners living within smoke control areas. These particular stoves have undergone rigorous testing and are able to function within strict regulations.

Stoves that are approved will have the letter 'SE', which stands for Smoke Exempt. They can only be used in smoke-controlled zones when burning Defra approved fuels such as wood or manufactured smokeless fuels.

Smoke Exempt

DEFRA exempt stoves for wood burning or Defra approved stoves are constructed to conform to the Department of Environment's (DEFRA) regulations. The stoves have been tested and examined to ensure that they burn fuel more efficiently and produce little or no smoke. They emit low levels of emissions and their combustion efficiency allows them to re-burn combustibles that have been burned partially such as soot and ash before they escape down your chimney.

If you live in a city or town that is classified as a Smoke Control Area then it's crucial that your stove is DEFRA exempt and is able to be used with authorised fuels. Smoke emanating from your chimney is unlawful if you do not use an exempt appliance or fuels that are approved. Exempt stoves that are Defra-compliant are better for your chimney, as they burn fuel more efficiently and produce less smoke, so your flue and chimney stay cleaner for longer.

We have a great selection of Defra exempt stoves from the world's leading manufacturers, including Stovax and Arada. We only provide the highest quality products, so you can be sure that your new stove will be a safe and efficient addition to your home.

There is a widespread belief that you have to purchase a Defra exempt stove if you reside in a smoke control area, however this is not the situation. You can still install a non-DEFRA fireplace in your home, provided it has a 6" (150mm), flue liner and can be operated with briquettes that have been approved by DEFRA.

We suggest you select an Defra approved model if you want to ensure that you are able to burn wood legally in a DEFRA-exempt stove. These stoves were designed to meet the strict environmental standards. They've been tested and verified to be DEFRA exempt This means that they only produce small amounts of smoke. They are also more efficient than traditional stoves, which means you can heat your property with less logs. You can choose from a selection of Defra models in a vast variety of colours and styles.

Clean Burn

Wood-burning stoves and open flames produce smoke which can cause harm to the health of those living within your home as well as those living close by. The fine particles that are present in the smoke could cause respiratory issues, like asthma. Fortunately, modern DEFRA exempt stoves have been developed to significantly reduce these negative impacts.

These wood burners were thoroughly tested and inspected to ensure that they meet Department of Environment regulations. These stoves are designed to burn fuel more effectively, resulting in fewer pollutants. These stoves also emit clear, clear vapour instead of the dark smoke typically associated with older open fires and stoves that burn logs.

The reason why the smoke particles of these modern DEFRA exempt stoves are lower is due to them being constructed with secondary and third airflow systems. This means that the air inside the combustion chamber is always being circulated, making it more difficult for the particles to escape the chimney.

This means that you must only use approved fuels in your DEFRA-exempt wood stove (such dry, seasoned firewood). These modern stoves have an airflow system that keeps the combustion chamber clean, reducing soot and permitting gas to escape easily out of the flue.

In reality, a new DEFRA approved wood stove with an EcoDesign baffle will produce around 450 times less pollution than an open fire or a traditional log burning stove, according to Defra. Installing one of these modern, efficient stoves in a Smoke Control Area is essential to safeguard both your health and the health of your neighbors.

Alternately, you can set up a DEFRA Approved multi-fuel stove and use a variety of different fuels like briquettes, peat and other varieties of manufactured solid fuels that can be purchased in supermarkets. However, it is advised to only use dry 'Ready burn' seasoned wood and never burn painted or treated timber because they will create more pollutants than untreated wood.

Easy Maintenance

A DEFRA-exempt wood stove is easy to maintain. Regular cleaning and maintenance checks help to extend its lifespan. These stoves also are very efficient, providing savings on your heating bill and reduce your consumption of fuel by up to 50%. These stoves produce far fewer emissions than other stoves and are a more eco sustainable alternative to fossil fuels.

The wood stoves are easily installed and are suitable for a variety of homes, especially in urban areas.  DEFRA approved efficient stoves  have passed Defra testing, which means that they can be used legally in smoke control zones, without breaking the law and risking a hefty fine.

Defra approved wood stoves are often cheaper to run than other models of stoves, as they have advanced combustion technology that ensures that the fire burns efficiently. This results in less particulates and carbon monoxide being released into the air, which is great news for your health as well as that of your family members.

The DEFRA exempted stoves can also be certified by other initiatives, such as Clearskies and Ecodesign. This means they meet the strictest standards for efficiency and emission. These certifications are displayed on the stoves we sell and give you assurance that you're purchasing a stove that is safe and eco green.

Stoves Direct offers a large range of stoves that are Defra-exempt with a variety of traditional designs that are perfect for an inglenook or fireplace chamber. We also offer modern, sleek options that can be paired with simple mantles or surrounds. If you're considering purchasing one our Defra-exempt wood burning stoves it's important to think about the style you'd like to have in your home and how it'll fit with the decor.

You can only use a Defra-exempt stove in a Smoke Control Area. This will help you save money if you're confronted with a fire that is wood-burning. The stove is also a good choice for those looking to cut down their carbon footprint. The wood from the tree absorbs CO2 during its growth and releases it back into the air when it is burnt.

Smoke Control Areas Suitable

It is important to have a wood-burning stove that is DEFRA-approved for use in UK cities and towns. This means it has passed rigorous tests and is legal for use in these areas. These tests ensure that the air isn't contaminated with the combustion particles produced by the stove. These toxins cause the dark smoke often seen coming from chimneys in areas of smoke control and can have a negative impact on health, as well as creating a nuisance for neighbours.

Local councils have also enacted laws to tackle the issue by prohibiting the use of open fireplaces and non-DEFRA-exempt appliances. The good news is you can still use your stove in your home as long as it is DEFRA-exempt and you use only approved fuel.

Stoves that have been approved for use in a Smoke Control Area will be marked as so and have been tested to ensure that they meet or exceed strict emissions and efficiency standards. The stoves that are exempt from Defra are more eco-friendly than other types of wood burners as they have advanced secondary and tertiary systems of combustion that help to minimise their carbon footprint.

The easiest way to find out whether you are in a smoke-free zone is to contact your local council and ask for more details. You can also find out by looking at your property's postcode online, but it is recommended to check the official website of your local council for more detailed information as every district in the UK may be different.

Even if you do not live in the Smoke Control Area, a Defra exempt wood burning stove is a good choice as it's more sustainable and friendly to neighbours. It will also usually mean that your chimney and flue system stays more clean since the Defra approved stove will emit significantly less smoke than traditional stoves. The majority of the top stove manufacturers, such as Arada Burley Parkray Stovax, have a variety of smokeless models which are DEFRA exempt.